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What is Anxiety?


​Anxiety is a subconscious process, no one 'decides' to feel anxious.  Our body has an in-built fight, flight or freeze response to when the brain perceives threat or danger.  In the world we live in now, threats are more subtle, but this primitive response hasn't adjusted in any way!   As a result, the intensity and frequency of worry is often disproportionate to the likelihood of the feared event happening.  It's often difficult to exert control of the worrying and this can really affect your daily life.


Anxiety can take various forms and usually these feelings come and go, however if you suffer from anxiety, these feelings last longer and are more intense.  Common symptoms are feeling restless, on edge, irritable, tiring easily, difficulty concentrating, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, muscle tension, to name a few.


How Hypnotherapy can help

Using Hypnotherapy for anxiety works at an unconscious level, using hypnosis to create positive change by:


  • Reducing physical symptoms 

  • Helps teach your body and nervous system how to relax

  • Helps address the root of your anxiety and process old traumas

  • Boosting feelings of confidence, resilience and self belief 

  • Helps you create positive change in habits and routines

Tropical Leaves

Be kind to your mind

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